Blog #9: New York City
New York City. NYC. The Big Apple... o ver the next week we would not only take a bite, but devour the whole thing, core and all. We finished our river journey at the Gowanus Canal, one of the most polluted waterways of our country. We were shocked to see the shimmering veil of oil dance away from the disturbance of our paddles as we skimmed across the murky surface. The smell that hung in the air was no longer the crisp salt spray lifting from the bay, but rather the pungent odor of a mixture of chemical and rot. We would learn that the eutrophication in the canal is so dense that fish regularly die from de-oxygenation. We carefully navigated around the shopping carts and circuit boards that had been discarded in the dark waters. At the dock we had a moment of silence, to reflect on the distance we had travelled. We had journeyed from the cold snowy reaches of northern Quebec, and then by canoe from the Richelieu River in Quebec to Manhattan (though we were te...